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Welcome to the first issue of our newsletter business and tech tips.  I will be sending these out about once a month.  If you would prefer to not receive them or would like to share with me your opinion of the newsletter, please email me back.

Stay warm and I hope you enjoy the newsletter.

Jeffrey Lipshaw Signature

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Are You Too Rational In the Selling Process?
Michael D. Harris, Harvard Business Review

Our natural tendency during the sales process is to be very rational, selling with facts, figures and analysis.  This works with simple sales, but with complex sales, using this approach can often lead to ‘analysis paralysis’.  Interesting studies have shown that selling based on emotion that communicates to the person’s unconscious being works better than appealing to a person’s logic.  Read more about these studies.

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Businesses Losing Big From Email Scams? Surprising Numbers

Brian Krebs, Krebs on Security

The FBI found that businesses have lost $215 million in the last 14 months using a scam that starts when businesses have their email accounts hijacked.   This particular scam targeted companies that regularly do wire transfer payments, but it reminds all of us that we need to be vigilant with email security.  Learn more about this scam and how you can potentially protect yourself.

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12 Questions to Ask Your Happiest Customer
Young Entrepreneur Council, Inc.

If we lose a customer we often ask them why they were unhappy with our product or service, but we miss out on an opportunity by not getting feedback from our happiest customers.  This can be a critical aspect of increasing sales. Learn 12 potential questions you should be asking.

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How to Handle Different Types of Customers
Tracy Vides, SMallBizDaily

It is difficult to maxmize sales if you sell the same way to every potential customer.  There are different personalities, and you need to change your selling/marketing strategy based on those differences.  Read about 4 different kinds of customers, and the best way to market/sell to them.

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10 Tips for Improving Your Presentation Skills

Garr Reynolds, Presentation Zen

Doing a presentation or speech can seem daunting. Whether it’s speaking in front of one person, a small group, or 500 people, by taking the proper steps in advance you can create a great presentation and a fun experience both for you and your audience.  Get 10 expert tips on creating an effective presentation.

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10ft Tall, Hollywood Robot

Hollywood enlists the latest in Robotics for entertainment
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What's that buzz?

Drone technology pushes for personal tracking  
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The Future Museum

Experiencing a museum will never be the same with this technology   
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